Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you will find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.


Q: Where are you located?

Q: Do I have to take off work in order to work with an interior decorator?

Q: How does Decorating Den Interiors work?

Q: How can you offer free design services?

Q: What happens on my first appointment?

Q: How do I determine a budget for my project?

Q: Is there a minimum or maximum project size?

Q: Will you work with my existing pieces/furnishings that are in the room?

Q: Do you shop with me in other stores?

Q: What’s the timeframe to get everything in?

Q: Is it returnable?

Q: Can I get a plan and shop retail?

Q: Where are you located?

A: We are located in the Tri-State New York Metro Area.

Q: Do I have to take off work in order to work with an interior decorator?

A: No, all of our appointments will take place in the comfort of your own home for your convenience. We come to you! We have select evening and weekend appointments available.

Q: How does Decorating Den Interiors work?

A: We meet with you at your home or office to learn more about you, your tastes, lifestyle and what you want to accomplish. From this, we can together determine a budget. We will ask a ton of questions. Once we have all the information, we will begin the design process to be presented to you. Then, if need be, adjustments will be made. Once approved, we will need a deposit to order your items. When the items arrive we will schedule an installation date.

Q: How can you offer free design services?

A:You can think of us as your personal custom retail store, with all our services under one roof.

Q: What happens at my first appointment?

A: On our first appointment we will establish the project scope, desired look, and the budget.

Q: How do I determine a budget for my project?

A: The budget will depend on a variety of factors, such as, how the space will function, how you want the space to look and feel, and the level of quality of the pieces. Our professionals will be happy to suggest a health budget range based on what you are trying to achieve.

Q: Is there a minimum or maximum project size?

A: Generally speaking, there isn’t a minimum size project.

Q: Will you work with my existing pieces/furnishings that are in the room?

A: Yes, we will work with any existing furnishings/pieces you have.

Q: Do you shop with me in other stores?

A: No, we will handle and coordinate everything including curating, designing, selecting, and supplying your items. This saves you valuable time and resources.

Q: What’s the timeframe to get everything in?

A: The timeframe will be determined by your needs and the scope of the project. Based on these factors, we will provide you with a timeline.

Q: Is it returnable?

A: The customer and designers will work together ensuring you are fully satisfied with your purchase before your order is placed. Everything is curated just for you and your taste, lifestyle, and budget. We bring you all the samples and presentations to your home so that you can see what it looks like in your space and lighting environment. Once the order is placed, there are no returns on custom pieces. Some select items are returnable in some cases with a 20-30% industry standard restocking fee. See your sales agreement for full details.

Q: Can I get a plan and shop retail?

A: Yes, you may opt to purchase our design and source your own items. We are more than happy to provide this, however, we cannot guarantee the quality and satisfaction of any piece/furnishing we do not provide, and for this reason this option might not be recommended for every client.